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11:27 GMT         Day 23 of 90, Season 69    

We have hired...

Written by ScotterPop at 21:20 27/5-2014
  The man with no name...from no he even really here!? Who will know if he wins...


Subscribers: 33

That was a fun trip

  Had a great time in the Netherlands, Belgium and France. Now, it's time for something new. I'm shutting down and starting over. I've grabbed the names of t...


Dank uw wel, Dutchies!

  Hello Belgies! After lovely times in Amsterdam,Gouda (hi Nikita!) and Delft...we are now in Brugge. Hellooooooo waffles!...


that was interesting

  Tried bitterballen today. Remaining on the list are stroopwafels and "beer with Finz". Both sound pretty good...but right now I need a lot of sleep....


The Quest for a Trainee

  It's always a challenge. The easy way is to wait for a nice one to show up on the forums, then pay a silly amount for them. The hard way is to scout. You wil...


Possibly his best finish ever

  Your team participated in Astana Cobbles. Sebastian Tucker finished 52 nd as your best rider. Sebastian was a colossal training failure for our team back in ...


Helloooo Benny!

  Andre's training continues, but in the meantime we have liquidated some Old Uncles and transformed them into the young Mr. Malmros. Oh, crap. He's a Dane. ...


Andre "The Giant"? We hope so

  ScotterPop have been on the hunt for an inspirational talent, and todady we have found one on the transfer forums. Nonnies offered a 220+ hill sprinter, and we...


We have hired: Odin Kremer!

  He's not much of a talent, but it's yet another great name for our stable of well-named jobbers. Oddly enough, the half Norsk God / half Famous OCM Team ride...


We have hired: Odd Olafsen

  I mean...we had to, right? For 29k, to get a man with such an outstanding name!? We suspect he will be doing jobs...of a particular type. here and there, t...


It's Kasza, not Ke$ha, you jerks!

  for $34k plus scouting fees, ScotterPop have acquired a fine looking hilly sprinter by the name of Kasza Lehel from Hungary just moments ago. Will ScotterPop...


Apparently we could not resist

  and we have re-stocked our team full of Old Uncles who know their way around the mountains. Timothy Connor (55) Dries Spiering (53) Ragnvald Danielsen (52)...


We have hired... The man with no name...from no he even really here!? Who will know if he wins......


The Great Selloff is now over

  Max Burian will transfer to EricV at end of season for 145k Rob Van den Bergh will go to Jonas Pro Cycling for 85k Anatstasio Pineda to Superduke for 200k Ju...


We have hired... Jesus Hernandez!

  He's probably bad. But he is a Jesus and he can do some Jobs for the 29k we paid....


We have hired... Abel Jesus!

  Older brother to Albino? Or just more capable? Name: Abel Jesus Nation: Portugal Portugal Age: 24 years Birthday: Day 57 Team Spirit: 87% Experienc...


Selloff!? What!?

  ScotterPop have posted most of our riders in the forums. We have not been racing as actively in the last season, so we are letting our talented men move on to ...


We have hired... Albino Jesus!

  Seriously. I can't even make that up. We knew we needed to get back to at least 12 riders after some recent transfers and when we saw his name we had to make ...


You have successfully hired: Larry Kane

  The Talent feature has again treated me to a 200+ TTer. I waited until today, his 21st birthday, to hire him. Happy birthday, Larry. You'll probably be up ...


Absentee Manager = Poor Results

  Work has been keeping me quite busy lately, so I apologize for not being around the chat room, or being very active in the forums. Sadly, it's impacted my te...


Welcome Daniel Todd

  A 200+ Sprinter, with TQ:Very Good Todd was signed the other day because I had the mo...


Lost at Sea, Man

  Your team participated in Izmir - Manisa. Erman Turcu finished 24th as your best rider. Philbert Seaman received an injury during the race. Philbert Seaman r...


New Talent: Clyde Elliot

  We waited for his birthday to give him a nice hiring bonus, and now we are happy to welcome our newest signing from our talent academy: Name: Clyde Elliott ...


He did WHAT!?

  Your team participated in Schwedt Classic. Julian Acker finished 3rd as your best rider. You earned 12000$. Julian Acker rode the race in top form. Ag...


New Hire/Scout

  We had some money from recent races, and decided to expand our team. We hired a young guy and then decided to go ahead and scout him. Turns out, he's not too ...


Welcome, Swin

  Abraham Swin has joined ScotterPop for a transfer fee of 115k. For a talent of his age and average, this is a very nice price, though he has no particularly st...


Acker a solid 3rd in Minsk

  We hoped only for a top 9 in the Division 2 Classic, Minsk CBGP. Early in the day, nearly our entire leadout train reported feeling groggy. Perhaps there was ...



ScotterPop at 18:14 8/6-2014
  Nice. It would seem they have fixed the bug of riders named "." and now he is named Lloyd Ruddle. I kinda like it.

Luveaucek at 04:12 8/6-2014
  LLoyd Ruddle. :)

superduke at 13:36 28/5-2014
  Nice one.
  I noticed about 2 on the HL last week too so you might catch another few!

Super Velo at 23:22 27/5-2014
  i'm glad you hired him before i could because i was thinking about it. my team is glitchy enough with out having a glitch like that on the team. lol

Super Velo at 23:19 27/5-2014
  i think we wrote the same thing and posted it at exactly the same time. lol

ScotterPop at 23:19 27/5-2014
  when I need more jobbers, I might see if more of his brothers are around. :)

Super Velo at 23:18 27/5-2014
  haha... i figured it out. i have your name in my friends list and when i clicked on it your team page opens up but then this . guy automatically opens. i wouldn't want that glitch on my team. lol good luck....

ScotterPop at 23:17 27/5-2014
  I had to use my web-developer skills to "click" his name, then I pressed the hire button like a normal person. The funny thing now is that every time I go to my team page, his profile opens. It's rather hilarious.

Super Velo at 23:15 27/5-2014
  I saw this guy yesterday when I was looking for a jobber. I tried to click on the dot but couldn't get it to open up. So how did you get it to open to the rider page. I looked at your team and still couldn't open his profile. You might have been better off sticking with the Jesus's because this guy seems to be a glitch. I've seem them before.

jmtoler at 22:56 27/5-2014
  pots don't matter...he will max at infinity....

NightmareChaos at 22:42 27/5-2014
  I wonder what is national jersey would look like

ScotterPop at 22:00 27/5-2014
  Dangit, I scouted him.
  CL: Good
  DH: None
  HL: None
  SP: Average
  FR: Small
  CB: None
  TT: Small
  TQ: Average

ScotterPop at 21:59 27/5-2014
  I am afraid to scout him...right now he's a stealth-jobber

Rotational Symmetry at 21:45 27/5-2014
  Please tell me he has some decent potentials!

Manisaspor at 21:37 27/5-2014
  There is a ghost!

English Sprinting Team at 21:23 27/5-2014
  Tour Rank 1st!!!!

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